Common Breastfeeding Problems and Solutions 

Breastfeeding is the healthiest baby-feeding option for both mother and baby.  (Image source) Babies should exclusively breastfeed for the first six months. Although it may seem natural, breastfeeding is more challenging than it may appear to be. Several things can pop up during your breastfeeding journey, making it more difficult. Knowing how to deal with … Read more

Best Pregnancy Workout and Exercise

Pregnancy workouts help you stay healthy and feel your best. Physical activity also improves posture, reducing fatigue and backaches during pregnancy. There is evidence that it can lower stress and prevent gestational diabetes. It also gives you energy for labor and delivery. (Image source) If you exercised before getting pregnant, you can keep doing it with … Read more

Maternal Health and Safety

Maternal health refers to the health of women throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period.   (Image source) Each step of the child-bearing journey should be a positive experience, ensuring that you and your newborn reach your full health and well-being potential. Maternal health and safety protect the mother and the baby’s health and the future.  … Read more

Nutrition during pregnancy

Having a healthy diet is essential for a smooth delivery of the baby because pregnancy is a crucial time in the life cycle due to the significant physical changes that both the mother and the fetus go through Pregnancy-specific dietary guidance is one of the most important elements that affect how well your baby will … Read more

Common Complications During Pregnancy 

The majority of pregnancies end without any complications. However, some pregnant women will have health issues that could affect their health, the health of their unborn child, or both. Pregnancy complications can occasionally result from illnesses or ailments that the mother had before becoming pregnant. (Image source) Physical and emotional disorders that impact the health … Read more

High-Risk Pregnancy: What You Need To Know

A pregnancy is considered “high-risk” if there are serious health concerns for the expectant mother, the developing fetus, or both.  (Image source) Mothers with high-risk pregnancies may require more attention before, during, and after the birth. This lessens the likelihood of complications. Important to note, that a high-risk pregnancy doesn’t necessarily mean challenges for you … Read more